I know you new puppy parents are perusing my Blog to not miss a moment of your new friend’s life so I took another video this morning. It’s with my Iphone and not high quality, but has a good view of the little ones. They are eating really well, as is Momma Dog, and their little bellies are starting to pooch out. I love the time when they start to turn from newborns into puppies.
At this point it is very very important for me to keep Fancy healthy with as many calories as I can get down here. She’s currently eating Orijen Fish dog food because it is very high calcium and very high calorie (600+ kcal per cup), a six star food, the very best rating. That is much higher calorie count than I would like to feed my dogs normally because when not whelping I like to keep them just a tad lean. Fancy loves that particular food and I’m adding some hot water to make a stew because her intake of fluids needs to be maximized as well. This morning early, she ate about 1 1/2 cups of dog food covered with hot water. At lunch she got another bowl of 1 1/2 cups mixture of cottage cheese, rice and chicken that I had cooked earlier and frozen for her and a little puppy food. The extra calcium in the cottage cheese and the protein again will help her milk supply. With five nursing puppies, a female dog can lose a lot of her body fat and sacrifice her own health just as nursing skin mothers do. Tonight she’ll get another meal and perhaps a chunk of cheese if she’s still hungry. To compare, when not with puppies, Fancy eats 1 cup of food per day and maintains a healthy weight.
I’m not seeing a way to link to my video on my version of WordPress, so if necessary, you may need to copy and paste the url into your browser:
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