May 172010

My son and I traveled over toward Kansas City for the ASDR dog show this past weekend, taking Fancy, my little Aussie girl, and Gus, his Border Collie puppy.

The show was my first experience in the Conformation ring and Fancy was on her best behavior.  The judge was very congenial and helpful since I was a novice handler and the other breeders friendly, giving me suggestions for showing off her best features.  Since we had some experienced competition and very nice dogs, Fancy did not place in her event but did earn her required points for her Level 1 Championship.  I was proud of her both for her showing and also for her development compared to the other dogs.

Fancy measured in at 14 1/4 so just over the limit from toy to mini.  I wasn’t surprised but I had not had an official measurement.  She’s a stout little dog and is filling out very nicely.  The best part is that she’s very friendly and mingled and mixed with the people and dogs very well.

I have to admit that I caught the show bug so I’m hoping I can work in the IABCA event in Lexington in June.

Thanks to everyone that worked to put on the American Stock Dog show this year!

 Posted by at 3:05 pm

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