Oct 062012

Phoebe 6 months oldAddie Catching Frisbee

Phoebe is relaxing with her nose in mommy’s shoe and Addie is putting the move on the flying disc.  Both are 6 months old and showing that little Aussies love to play, but also know how to chill when the time is right.

These two pictures are of the girls from Izzy’s April 2012 litter.  I have discussed the “puppy uglies” where the babies lose their fat little faces and tummies and puppy fur and grow long legs and out of proportion bodies.  At about 6 months old, everything starts to catch up.  Adult fur comes in along with those last canine teeth and bodies start to fill out with some bulk, catching up to the appendages. Those of us that have hidden our adolescent dogs away for a couple of months or tried to explain to gawkers why they are  scraggly can now start to take pictures and show them off again.  It only gets better from here! Puppies continue to develop past their first birthday although smaller dogs get their growth sooner than large breeds.

If you are interested in Addie’s ability to fly high and catch the Frisbee, post a comment or question and her owner can explain his methodology to get her to this point so young.

 Posted by at 8:39 pm

  3 Responses to “Updated Pictures Izzy x Helmie Litter”

  1. Would love to know how to train a frisbee/disc catcher…..please advise!

  2. Wow, Phoebe’s fur looks twice as long as Addies. How pretty she has become!
    Addie still has her top two baby teeth. Ashlyn, Maybe you can share a pic so we can all see how Paddy has grown. It’s been a long time since we have seen him as a little puppy. KC

  3. The girls are looking good! Paddy lost his last baby tooth last night and he’s scheduled to be neutered next week- they grow up so fast!

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